Let me just start by saying, if you think that your child will not access or run across porn in their childhood, you are living under a rock! Sadly, most of my phone calls come from parents of Jr. high and high school kids who are already exposed to porn while it is also being completely normalized by our favorite Hollywood stars in "Fast times at Ridgemont High" (https://www.popsugar.com/entertainment/fast-times-at-ridgemont-high-virtual-table-read-video-47802832) "Cuties" airing on Netflix exploits children in the name of money. The film exploits young girls by filming in their private areas and grooming them for sex, all under the direction of adults. Watch this short clip that gives an insight into this desensitization of exploitation happening right under our nose.
School has become a breading ground for sexual deviancy and exploitation. We say that we want to protect our children, but if all you are doing is having a conversation with your kids, that isn't enough. Please hear me say that training is more than just talking. The Word of God is what they need. They need to hear more than just what they are hearing in Sunday school.
Kids deserve our protection. As a teacher of 3rd and 4th grade students, I see how the culture is influencing their behavior ( Christian and non-Christian). As parents, it is more important than ever to have an honest relationship before Christ. If you as a parent are teaching Christ, but you live opposite that covenant, then you will be pushing your child away from Christ. I have seen it happen too many times.
Christianity is not a cultural experience, it is a covenant you make with God. When you live as if you have no covenant, then you take His name in vain, it is even above the marriage covenant. The Lord revealed this truth to my daughterwhen she was only 16. Raising kids to truly KNOW God and follow Him is a daily commitment to heart surrender. You are the example. You are their greatest influence. God equipped you to raise your kids to know Him. If you feel that you can't teach your children about sexual purity or LGBTQ issues because you have failed, or you don't want your children to alienate any group of people, let me reassure you that knowing God is the only way to truly love others and forgive yourself. Your kids need to see this play out in your life. Your kids need to see that you bring your own failures to God and they need to see the daily miracles of God answering! God is real! He does listen! Show them, teach them and love them enough to train them. God is love. He is the real way. He is the truth and He is the light. There is no fear in true love, no condemnation for those who have grafted their heart to HIS. Kids are smarter than we give them credit for, and they deserve to hear the truth from you. Protect them by teaching them, not by sheltering them. I assure you that you can keep them innocent of evil while also teaching them to be wise and recognize red flags.
Jesus was a no nonsense teacher of the truth. He didn't coddle feelings at all, but at the same time, He taught us how to truly love and be compassionate by feeding people the Word of God. We have heard the story of Jesus feeding the 5000, but He told us that we would do greater things than this. We are feeding the Word of God. It is sharper than any two edged sword, and it is able to work where no human effort could sway. When you chose to teach your child and do all you can to prepare your child for their future, you help them to establish a breastplate of righteousness and give them shoes to help them to stand ready to face the world ahead. Your kids are at your mercy, they only listen for a little while, so speak while they can still hear.
Kids remember only about 10 percent of what they are told but they remember 80 percent what engage in. These books will help you engage your child in important conversations about God's character, purity, wise choices and covenant love. Parents are still the primary influence in the elementary years. Use this time to build a bond with your child and begin to give them a Biblical foundation at an early age, so that as they grow, they will understand the importance of sexual purity. Do more than just talk...TRAIN. Use the trainers to help.
https://www.trainupachildministries.com/shop and follow us on facebook! https://www.facebook.com/Trainupachildministries and instagram.
Finally, Help fight porn in schools! It is surrounding our students. Click here for the petition to sign and do all you can to make a difference. This problem belongs to all of us. Please help. Support the The Matthew Xviii Group on Facebook!!